Weekly Summary: Week 8

This week I was able to interact with my classmates in a different way than I normally get to. We had to make groups for our radio show groups and come up with ideas or a theme of our show. I only know one person in this class so I reached out to him and he was able to find us two other group members. I emailed each group member to get their numbers and we created a group chat. Once the group chat was made and we went over introductions we started talking about what we thought would be cool for our radio show. We each gave ideas and also went over our individual course character to see what we could branch off of that too. It was fun to interact with people outside of just commenting on their posts or favoriting their daily creates.

I did 3 daily creates this week. The first one was using a website to create digital poetry. One of my favorite quotes that is very short and simple is “no rain; no flowers”. I thought it would be the perfect thing to use for this since I wanted to keep it short and also relatable. The next daily create I did was “What item should be named after you?” I chose a picture of a Dunkin Donuts ice coffee because I drink an absurd amount of coffee. I could actually have used any picture of coffee because I brew my own coffee at home since it is way more cost saving but if I were to treat myself it would be with a Dunkin ice coffee. So ultimately I feel like I am the best coffee drinker and ice coffee should be named after me. The last daily create I did was probably my favorite of the week. I did the colorize a photo. I used the Crayola color list and picked “Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown” as my color. I then went to the site that was linked to actually color the picture. I Googled Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown and the color numbers came right up so I was able to use the Hex color code and enter it right in. I thought that was pretty fun.

I am excited for the weeks to follow to work more with my group and turn our ideas into an actual show.

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